The Young Women’s Empowerment Conference
was founded by Aliana Apodaca.
It is a program of CCES. CCES is a noN-profit 501c3 organization.
About YWEC
May 18,2023 9:00am – 3:30pm
- Over 13 school districts will select female high school students
- Students will be Sophomores – Seniors
- Each District will be provided tickets to have students attend the event.
- No conference related cost to students or districts to attend.
- District provides transportation to and from event.
Title Sponsor
Logo Placement in conference coverage and promotions
Recognition at the conference
Company Leader to address attendees 3 minutes
Gold Sponsor
Logo Placement in conference coverage
Recognition at the conference
Silver Sponsor
Recognition at the conference
Table Sponsor
Sponsor a table of high school participants
Mail your checks to: CCES – YWEC 814 Wyoming Avenue El Paso, TX 79902